How to get the most out of your exercise

Hello fellow lifters, today is going to be an in-between blog and is mainly going to focus on what to do other than just exercise to make gains in either muscle health or mental health. Lifting or exercising is a great way to feel better and make muscle gains as I have talked about in my other posts but to get more out of the exercise sometimes you need more. Working out with a buddy is a great way to get more out of a workout. Not only because you want to outdo your partner but also because they won’t let you quit as easy as if you were lifting by yourself and they make it more fun. Another way to get more out of your exercise is to drink water before, after and during your workouts. This is important for your body and mind because you do not want to get dehydrated and cause your body and mind damage. Water can also get you ready for a workout by waking up your body functions that are essential to working out. Getting pumped up is another great trick for exercise. Try listening to more up tempo music than you did before or instead of taking a long break between sets do some small things in-between. Getting pumped up will make you want to stay longer, do more, and do it faster. The most important things you can do is to make sure you eat right while exercising and get into a good exercise routine. Getting into a routine will be tough at first but the way I got into it is make sure you never miss a Monday! If you never miss a Monday then you will always start off to a great start each week. Starting a routine usually takes about a month to get into it but after that it begins to become natural. The most important thing which is also the hardest is to eat right. This is hard for most because it is more expensive to eat right, it’s hard to turn down some foods and no time to eat right. Eating right to me doesn’t mean to buy all organic foods and eat nothing but lettuce and celery, but it means to know portion sizes and be aware of the calories and more importantly the fats and carbs you are eating. When you start cooking at home or being aware when eating out, you begin to notice small changes each week and then eventually, just like a routine, it becomes natural. These are all things that will help your workouts be more effective for your body and mind. Try these and in a one month or so you will begin to see more results and be much happier.

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